Brussels, 9 April 2011
A 141/11
Catherine Ashton, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the Commission, made the following statement today: "One year ago we witnessed the dramatic events in Kyrgyzstan that led to the establishment of a democratic constitutional order in the country. I wish to congratulate the Kyrgyz people for their determination to pursue the democratization process and to overcome the consequences of last year's crisis.
The EU has supported Kyrgyzstan every step of the way: from the adoption of a new Constitution in June and the parliamentary elections in October 2010, which led to a multi-party parliament, to the formation of the first-ever coalition government. Now we look forward to the Presidential Elections scheduled for the end of 2011.
Together with the international community the EU supports the establishment of the truth about the tragic events that took place over the last year, in particular the work of the International Independent Commission of Inquiry.The EU hopes that the authorities of Kyrgyzstan will continue to advance inter-ethnic dialogue, reconciliation and integration with a view to ensuring peace and upholding the rule of law in the country. The contribution of the OSCE Community Security Initiative is also relevant in this context.
The EU remains entirely committed to helping Kyrgyzstan on its path towards further democratization and stabilization."