1.1. Since conducting Situation Assessment of Children in 2011, the situation of children in the Kyrgyz Republic has improved in some areas. More children are surviving and gaining access to preschool education, and many more are enjoying access to adequate sources of water supply and sanitation, and are enrolling in primary school. At the same time, however, there are still enormous challenges in the systems to support children and women, especially those who experience inequality or those who remain as yet ‘invisible’ in the social protection system.
1.2. In the previous Situation Assessment, the political upheaval and the inter-ethnic conflict of 2010 were very much a factor in the lives of children. While the country has seen a peaceful, democratic transfer of power and the threat of conflict is less, there remain significant challenges from that time that require continued peacebuilding efforts and strengthening tolerance that will promote a safer environment for children to grow and be able to claim their basic rights. An important note is that while the strengthening of inter-ethnic relations is an important part of creating such an environment, the relative strength of those relations is underpinned by insecurities in access to and delivery of basic social services. Although there are ethnic issues that need to be addressed, these should be part of a broad approach that seeks to address gaps in basic social services and, thereby, promote a more stable and equitable environment for all.
1.3. This study ‘Situation Analysis of Children in the Kyrgyz Republic 2014’ was developed by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). It highlights recent trends and progresses, and analyses the multiple factors that hinder the realization of children’s rights in the Kyrgyz Republic. It is hoped that the study will inform the policy dialogue and promote progress towards a more rapid, comprehensive and equitable outcome for all the rights of all children in the Kyrgyz Republic.
1.4. This report is divided into five sections. In Section 2, the report examines the areas of greatest progress, especially in relation to UNICEF’s continued effort to strengthen development gains in the Kyrgyz Republic. The focus on the areas of greatest progress allows for a discussion of achievements amid the entrenched development challenges. In Section 3, the report outlines areas of less progress and analyses areas for further improvement. The focus on this area allows for a renewed focus on the challenges that remain and the obstacles that must be overcome. In Section 4, the report discusses inequalities based on gender, well-being and geographical location. Issues related to urban-rural inequalities and the effects of poverty are explored in relation to promoting equity in Kyrgyzstan. In Section 5, the report focuses on determinants of children’s vulnerability. Although these determinants contribute to continued challenges in the country (as reflected in the discussions on areas of greatest and less progress), this is provided as a separate section to allow for a broader discussion on vulnerabilities. Section 4 and 5 highlight the types of issues that still must be addressed in order to strengthen the gains made and to assess approaches to address challenges outlined in Section 3. Finally, in Section 6, the report discusses conclusions related to the current situation analysis of children and women in the Kyrgyz Republic. Based on the report’s analysis, areas of specific focus are highlighted to direct efforts to address ongoing challenges.