This report covers the period 01/January/10 to 31/December/10
Programme outcome: The National Society programmes are aligned with the strategic aims of the Strategy 2020 to save lives, protect livelihoods, and strengthen recovery from disasters and crises; enable healthy and safe living; and promote social inclusion and culture of non-violence and peace.
The capacity-building efforts are in line with the enabling action one to build strong National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
Programmes summary: Within the disaster management programme the National Society built its own capacities to respond to emergencies by improving the staff and volunteers’ knowledge and skills in disaster management, building emergency stocks, strengthening partnerships with public authorities and other stakeholders and establishing effective mechanisms for emergency response and recovery assistance. Also, the programme strengthened the coping capacities of the populations living in disaster prone areas by increasing community awareness on actions to take in a disaster situation. Schoolchildren act as key change agents and ensure wider dissemination of information. In order to facilitate improving the national legal base in case of the international disaster response the Red Crescent started promoting the International Disaster Response Laws (IDRL) in front of the government of Kyrgyzstan.
Over the year the Kyrgyzstan Red Crescent received funds from the International Federation’s Disaster Response Emergency Fund (DREF) thrice to provide humanitarian assistance to people affected by mudslides; in response to the civil unrest in the south of the country; and to support the National Society’s community mobilization and monitoring activities during the immunization against poliomyelitis.