Ref: OCHA/GVA - 2005/0095
OCHA Situation Report No. 2
Kyrgyzstan - Floods / Mudflows
6 July 2005
This situation report is based on information received from the office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Kyrgyzstan and the Kyrgyz Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resource and Processing Industry.
1. As outlined in Situation Report No.1 of 24 June 2005 a number of mudflows and floods have occurred in Southern Kyrgyzstan, namely in the Osh, Batken and Jalalabat provinces.
2. According to the latest consolidated statistics, 87 inhabited locations and 3,996 dwellings have been flooded. 200 houses and 565 household buildings have been completely destroyed. 87 bridges and more than 170 km of highway have been damaged. Three people have died and 410 families are temporarily accommodated in tents or with relatives.
3. The crops in Jalalabat and Osh have been damaged as a result of these last floods. In addition, in the provinces of Chuy, Batken and Osh, floods and landslides damaged the crops in April and May 2005. In total, 2885,6 hectares of crops have been completely destroyed, including wheat, cotton, sugar beet, corn, vegetables, tobacco and oil-bearing crops.
4. As a consequence of the accumulated damages caused by natural disasters in 2005, the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resource and Processing Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic foresees a shortage of approximately 9,800 tons of wheat.
5. In total, 253,000 tons of grains are lacking to supply the population. Taking into consideration the lack of grains as a result of last winter and previous disaster damages (15,500 tons) the total lack of grains in 2005 is amounting to 268,500 tons.
National Response
6. In addition to the measures outlined in the previous situation report, intensive agricultural measures have been undertaken in order to secure a maximum harvest of raw cotton. Measures have also been undertaken for conservation of remaining plants by intensive agro-technical care. Remaining damaged grain-crops and forage crops have been restored by the efforts of national agricultural producers.
International Response
7. The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic has requested assistance through the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator/Humanitarian Coordinator to meet immediate needs. The Government urgently requests blankets, bedding, tents, diesel, fuel, medicine and food.
8. The Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the United Nations in Geneva met with the Assistant Emergency Relief Coordinator and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic has requested UN OCHA's assistance. OCHA is providing an emergency grant of US$ 20,000, through the office of the UN Resident Coordinator in Kyrgyzstan in order to assist the affected population.
9. Thus far UNHCR as well as the National Society of Red Cross & Red Crescent have delivered humanitarian assistance to Kyrgyzstan.
10. OCHA is in close contact with the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator in Kyrgyzstan and will revert with further information as required.
11. This situation report, together with further information on ongoing emergencies, is also available on the OCHA Internet Website at
Map: Kyrgyzstan: Floods / Mudflows
Telephone: +41-22-917 12 34
Fax: +41-22-917 00 23
In case of emergency only: Tel. +41-22-917 20 10
Desk Officers:
Ms. Charlotta Benedek
Direct Tel: +41-22-917-1205
Press contact:
(GVA) Ms. Elizabeth Byrs, direct Tel. +41-22-917 26 53
(N.Y.) Ms. Stephanie Bunker, direct Tel. +1-917-892 1679
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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