This report covers the period 01/01/09 to 30/06/09.
In brief
Programme purpose The Kyrgyzstan Red Crescent programmes are aligned with the Global Agenda goals to reduce the number of deaths, injuries, and impact from disasters; to reduce the number of deaths, illnesses and impact from diseases and public health emergencies; to increase local community, civil society and Red Cross Red Crescent capacity to address the most urgent situations of vulnerability; and to reduce intolerance, discrimination and social exclusion and promote respect for diversity and human dignity.
Programmes summary: The disaster management programme strengthened the coping capacities of the populations living in disaster prone areas by increasing community awareness of actions to take in case of a disaster. Besides, the National Society built its own capacities to respond to emergencies through improving the staff and volunteers' knowledge and skills in disaster management, building emergency stocks, strengthening partnerships with public authorities and other stakeholders and establishing effective mechanisms for emergency response and recovery assistance. Over the period, the Kyrgyzstan National Society provided assistance to people affected by small-scale disasters, namely floods, landslides and mudslides. Two trained members of the regional disaster response team from the Kyrgyzstan Red Crescent participated in the emergency relief operation of the Tajikistan Red Crescent assisting people affected by mudslides and floods.
The National Society Tuberculosis (TB) prevention programme has been targeting vulnerable people with TB and disseminating information about the disease among their family members and general population. It has been underfunded with only 25 per cent of the budget covered; the losses on the 2008-2009 income caused reduction in spending on social support, staff training, monitoring and transport. Within the HIV prevention programme, the National Society has been using peer approach in work with key populations at higher risk and young people. The Red Crescent harm reduction services target injecting drug users. The community-based health and first aid (CBHFA) programme focuses health education on rural communities that have limited access to health services because of their remote location. The sessions are provided by trained volunteers from the target communities. No funding has been received for the blood donation component and consequently no specific activities have been implemented.
The promotion of humanitarian principles and values reached vulnerable communities served by the National Societies and decision-makers and public alike. New Red Crescent volunteers got knowledge about the fundamental principles as well. Two information and education centres and five mobile teams have been established by the Kyrgyzstan Red Crescent to render social assistance to migrants and their families. The centres are part of the regional labour migration network, and first trainings for target community leaders have already been held. Messages on gender-based violence and discrimination have been spread as part of the National Society's promotion activities.
In the organisational development area the National Society used the expertise of a local consulting company to seek recommendations with respect to further human resources management systems development; a clear salary grading system has also been provided. In April 2009, the National Society held a partnership meeting within the framework of the operational alliance development. The logical framework matrix, work plan and budget for the transition period until the end of 2010, produced with support of a consultant, were presented to the participants. There has been no specific funding allocated for the youth project this year so only major youth activities will be covered from the organizational development funds. To date a training module on work with disadvantaged and orphaned children has been developed by the National Society and piloted in branches.
Financial situation: The total 2009 budget is CHF 1,190,433 (USD 1,096,799 or EUR 780,755), of which 61 per cent covered. Expenditure overall was 50 per cent versus funding.