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Kyrgyzstan Annual Report 2013 (MAAKG001)



Within the timeframe between January and December 2013, the Red Crescent Society of Kyrgyzstan (RCSK) continued the implementation of its programmes in the following directions: Disaster Management, Health, Social Programmes, and Organizational Development.

Being preliminarily selected as a candidate for the position of principal recipient (PR) of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) in Kyrgyzstan, the capacity building is the top priority for the National Society. The country plan to handover the position of principal recipient to the national agency/ies in order to build and reinforce national potential to fight AIDS and TB is a long-term process and requires many steps and approvals. Moreover, the portfolio manager of the GFATM was changed for Kyrgyzstan and potentially it may influence on the overall process. The expected technical appraisal of the National Society to be done by the Local Fund Agent (LFA) is postponed and it depends on the implementation of the current phase on TB to be completed by the end of 2015 as well as decision of the Country Coordination Mechanism (CCM). This evaluation will be directed to estimate capacities of the organizations to act as PR of the GFATM in the country. However, the delay in appraisal of the RCSK gives more time and opportunities for the National Society to focus on its capacity building and prepare for handover process.

The Kyrgyzstan RC was supported by the American RC in a form of a 100-day plan on improvement of Monitoring and Evaluation System and Financial Management within the small STAR grant. Moreover, the project on Organizational Development including PMER, Financial Management, Human Resources Management and Communication was developed and supported by the American RC.
The trans-border project on Disaster Management between Kyrgyzstan RC and Tajikistan RC was developed and supported by the German Red Cross. It was focused on vulnerable communities in both countries, Moreover, the Kyrgyzstan RC actively engaged in development of the regional project proposal for DIPECHO VIII.