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Kyrgyzstan + 4 more

How best to save lives before natural disasters?

DIPECHO Regional Consultative Meeting to share experiences in reducing the impact of floods, landslides and earthquakes across Central Asia

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (November 16, 2009) - On November 18-19, representatives of governments, donors, international and non-governmental organizations will gather in Bishkek to discuss past achievements and future challenges in disaster risk reduction. It is the second regional conference organized initiated by the European Commission Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) and the Kyrgyz Republic Ministry of Emergency Situations. It is supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Kyrgyzstan.

This conference is a forum that fosters dialogue, information sharing and cooperation among member countries: Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. It will give an opportunity to review achievements during the last five Action Plans of Disaster Preparedness (DIPECHO programmes) funded by ECHO in Central Asia and help identify needs for the next programming cycle. The discussion will address topics like gaps in disaster risk management in the region, interaction with climate change and adaptation, mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction into development plans and assessment of risks.

Conference participants will discuss how to raise the effectiveness of preparedness/preventive measures and how to improve the coordination of partners' activities. They will also highlight the role of state, private sector and the civil society in a well rounded disaster risk reduction programming.

After five Action Plans with more than 22 million EUR invested by ECHO through DIPECHO programme in Central Asia, it is now time to capitalise and to exchange the know-how developed in disaster risk reduction, with the overall objective to improve operations' efficiency and to promote disaster preparedness among all key stakeholders.

Learn more from Ms. Milana Termechikova at 314314 or