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Flash appeal update: Kyrgyzstan energy/water/food insecurity, 15 May 2009

This report covers the period from 2

  • 15 May 2009. The next report will be issued on or around 29 May 2009.


- More than 2000 heads of livestock killed in summer pastures by freak snowfall in Issyk Kul Province

- Heavy rain causes massive damage to infrastructure in southern Kyrgyzstan

- WFP, FAO and UNHCR activities under the Flash Appeal are continuing into May to provide humanitarian support to vulnerable households around Kyrgyzstan.

II. Situation Overview

1. As of Monday 11 May, the level of Toktogul Reservoir was 6.401 billion cubic metres, 97% of the volume at the same time last year.

2. While scheduled power cuts have been suspended around the country, the National Electric Grid of Kyrgyzstan (NEGK) reports that non-scheduled blackouts continue. On 14 May, several power lines in Osh and Jalalabat Provinces were cut because of poor weather conditions. In addition, NEGK reports that power cuts have occurred in Batken and Leilek Districts of Batken Province because of problems in Tajikistan's electric grid.

3. Local media report that more than 2200 heads of livestock died on 5-6 March in Tong District of Issyk Kul Oblast as a result of heavy snowfall on summer pastures. Four families were also caught under the snow but were rescued.

4. The Ministry of Emergency Situations reports that mudslides and flooding caused by heavy rain have caused serious damage and disruption to critical institutions, livestock, housing, irrigation canals, roads, bridges and land plots in southern Kyrgyzstan over the last fortnight. Particularly hardly hit have been Leilek District of Batken Province, where Sulukta Town Hospital and five schools were flooded; Suzak District of Jalalabat Province, which has seen roads and bridges made inoperable; and Karakulja District of Osh Province, where at least 350 homes were flooded with mudflows, and three completely destroyed.

III. National Response

5. The State Agency for Architecture and Construction reported on 8 May that construction of seismic housing to withstand an earthquake at 9 on the Richter scale has begun in the village of Nura, which was destroyed by an earthquake in October 2008. Construction will include 152 houses, a washhouse, a sports field and a village club. Water and electricity supply will be established. The Agency's head stated to the Kabar news agency that they will monitor every stage of construction to ensure its quality.

IV. Flash Appeal

6. The revised Flash Appeal seeks a total of $14,751,781. With recent confirmation of Swedish donations to FAO and OCHA, funding commitments now stand at $8,655,233 or 59%

7. WFP's food intervention is well underway. More than 45,000 families, or half of the total planned beneficiaries have received food, and the rest should be reached by the end of May.

8. FAO has distributed 1000 hectares of forage seed. Beneficiaries are now planting with FAO support. A tender has been made for procurement of 500 tons of fertilisers.

9. UNHCR will shortly begin their second distribution of supplies for refugees and asylum seekers. This distribution, which will target new arrivals and the most vulnerable families, will include food and non-food items.

V. Non-Flash Appeal Interventions

10. At the beginning of June, UNICEF will begin a pilot project to provide all children of 6 months to 2 years of age in Talas Province with vitamin supplements. The Province was chosen because of its high rates of anaemia among women and stunting among children. UNICEF intends to roll out the project around the country if it is successful.

11. The $7 million USAID supported food provision intervention of Mercy Corps and Save the Children is about to commence distribution. The project, which has been carefully coordinated with WFP's Flash Appeal project to avoid duplication, will distribute food rations to impoverished and vulnerable families primarily in Naryn and Issyk Kul Provinces.

12. Counterpart International, with the support of the US State Department, has delivered about $130,000 worth of household goods, hygiene supplies and bedclothes for vulnerable groups in Naryn and Issyk Kul Provinces.

VI. Contact

For more information, please contact:

Andrea Cuzyova,
Coordination Specialist
Office of the Resident Coordinator

Matthew Naumann,
Humanitarian Coordination Specialist
Office of the Resident Coordinator

or visit