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Kuwait + 4 more

UNHCR Kuwait Factsheet, December 2021


UNHCR has been presentin Kuwait since 1991. In 1996, UNHCR and the Government of Kuwaitsigned a Cooperation and Office Agreement, granting UNHCR privileges and immunities in the State of Kuwait. UNHCR enjoys a long-standing relationship with the Government of Kuwait, which ranks as the top donorto UNHCR in the region over the last 10 years, with contributions exceeding $435 million.

The Government of Kuwait, and its developmental arm, the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development(KFAED), have provided significant support to UNHCR to respond to the Iraq, Syria, and Yemen situations. There has also been an increase in engagement through the private sectorand through Islamic philanthropy.

UNHCR carries out a range of protection activitiesin the country for people of concern,including refugee status determination, learning and development, andcommunity-based protection. UNHCR continues topursue durable solutions such ascomplementary pathways forrefugees.