Ola Nagele, Kenya
The only breadwinner for five children, having no help or support from anywhere, Mama Mollu has had a hard life. At 54 years old, she has lived in Ola Nagele most of her life. Her husband died, leaving her alone with their five young children – 3 boys and 2 girls.
National GHNI Leader in Kenya, Habiba Mengesha, tells the story of how GHNI stepped in:
“GHNI was already in her village to give help and hope to the hurting people like Mama Mollu. GHNI workers took initiative to meet with some of the women and form women’s groups, to give knowledge and sharing ideas on how to eradicate poverty by working together as a team, and learn to farm to be self-sustaining.
The poor women and men took the ideas positively and formed groups. GHNI also boosted their effort and promoted them by giving seedling to the group — they planted kale, onions and tomatoes. The team-working spirit also makes work easy for them. Work done by only one person takes much time. But the same work by many saves much time.
As a result of GHNI’s support, and making good use of knowledge and skills taught by our TCD workers, Mama Mollu benefited and her life changed among many. She is so grateful to the helping hand of GHNI by achieving what she had never dreamt of. She can now generate income for herself.”
What an astounding example of a community transforming by working together! This is classic Transformational Community Development (TCD).