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WFP Kenya Country Brief, April 2024


February in Numbers

  • 1.1 million people assisted
  • 4,052 MT of food commodities distributed
  • USD 3.76 million cash transfers made
  • USD 143 million net funding requirements across all activities for the next six months (June–November 2024)

Food Security Situation

• Heavy rains caused severe flooding across Kenya, including flash floods and riverine overflows. By mid-May, the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) reports indicated that 341,700 people had been affected and 185,500 displaced nationwide. In addition, 52 schools and 54 roads were damaged with scores of people reported dead.
The Government and humanitarian partners continue to address the situation and to provide available assistance.

Operational Updates

Refugee operations

• In April, WFP provided food assistance and cash transfers to 629,215 refugees (312,404 women) living in the Dadaab, Kakuma refugee camps, and in the Kalobeyei settlement. Among them, 1,390 pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls, and 8,650 children aged 6 to 59 months received nutrition assistance to prevent and treat moderate acute malnutrition. WFP also provided hot meals to 100,577 refugee schoolchildren to help them with their nutritional needs and to promote their education and overall development.

• Due to funding shortages, WFP has been forced to reduce food rations for refugees in Kenya since May 2024 to 40 percent of the minimum food basket (MFB). This includes a temporary suspension of cash-based transfers (CBT) for 580,000 refugees in Kakuma and Dadaab camps. However, 70,000 refugees in Kalobeyei will continue receiving their reduced food basket CBT.
These difficult decisions aim to stretch available resources and continue supporting refugees throughout 2024. WFP is actively engaging with donors to secure additional funding and meet the needs of all refugees in Kenya.

Emergency food assistance and nutrition support to Kenyans

• A consultative meeting on the near-final draft of Kenya's National Relief Assistance Policy was held, with technical and financial support from WFP. The forum aimed at gathering comprehensive stakeholder input to strengthen the policy's linkage between relief efforts and recovery, rehabilitation, and resilience programming, before government’s approval. Panel discussions addressed strategies for collaboration between governments, humanitarian, and development organizations on long-term, and sustainable projects that empower communities towards self-reliance.

• WFP provided a one-off emergency cash transfer of 5,000 shillings (USD37) to 12,300 flood-affected people in Tana River County. This vital assistance helped them access life-saving food and nutrition assistance. Subject to funding availability, WFP plans to scale up its operations and reach over 200,000 flood-affected people with critical food and nutrition assistance. WFP also reached 73,742 pregrant and breastfeeding women and girls, and 98,916 (51,538 girls) children aged 6 to 59 months with specialized nutritional support to prevent and treat MAM.

• Lisha Jamii interventions ended in April. WFP is developing a strategy to integrate early recovery and transitioning efforts to enhance food security and resilience in the face of climatic shocks