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West Pokot County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for November 2015


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification Biophysical Indicators

  • Rainfall was received countywide with an average distribution in time of 15 days and a better spatial distribution covering all livelihood zones.

  • Vegetation condition improved slightly as evidenced by the VCI-3month shift from 26.09 recorded in October to 33.33 in November.

  • A number of surface water sources had recharged to 25% capacity thus easing the water stress.

Socio-Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

  • All the access indicators remained outside the normal range but recorded improvement from October.

  • Browse/Pasture condition was generally fair across all livelihood zones. The body condition of cattle was fair while that of shoats fair to good in all livelihood zones with the trekking distance to water sources for both livestock and human very much reduced.

  • Malnutrition levels went down significantly with MUAC as a utilization indicator falling below the normal range for the period. The CSI went down and remained within the normal range.