Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
The temporal and spatial distribution of rainfall during the month under review was better in comparison to April with some sites such as Chepnyal in Sook having up to 13 wet days. However, depressed in amount.
The vegetation condition improved drastically during the month as evidenced by the VCI-3month of 48.89
More surface water sources continued recharging with most of those in the lowlands up to 60% capacity and the water likely to last for 2-3 months.
The SPI-3month for May was 0.47 just within normalcy levels.
Socio-Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Milk production is the only production indicator that continues to lie outside the normal range with consumption also falling below the normal threshold.
However, terms of trade improved slightly. -
Pasture and browse was generally available in sufficient quantities across the County except in Natmer and Losam in Kasei division. The body condition of all livestock species in most areas was good in comparison to April with trekking distance to water sources greatly reduced.
MUAC as a utilization indicator fell within the normal range during the month under review with the coping strategy index also enhanced.