Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
Rainfall Report
During the season the county received enhanced rainfall in most part of the county where the highest rainfall was recorded in Wajir town and lowest recorded in Habaasweine.The rainfall distribution, both in time and space, was generally good over most parts of the county mainly during the first half of the month
Vegetation condition: Condition of Pasture and browse in all livelihood zones ranges from fair to good. Current VCI in the county shows moderate vegetation deficit which recorded 23.18 in the month under review as compared to previous month figure which showed 24 with no significant changes. Wajir South and Wajir West are still indicating severe vegetation deficit but on an improving trend. Distance to water points for households and grazing areas significantly decreased which is normal at this time. State of water level is normal as compared to last month and previous year’s season, improved water recharge level
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Livestock body condition ranges from fair to good for cattle, sheep, and goat and good for camel. Pasture and browse situation improved, Milk availability and accessibility increased, migration of livestock was reported in some other counties, Reduced trekking distance, Terms of trade still not favourable, Percentage of children under five at risk of malnutrition slightly decreased from 21.0 in October to 18.0 in the month under review. Less coping strategies were employed as compared to previous month.