Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
There was continuation of a dry spell across the County throughout the month.This is normal during this period since August falls within the June-July-August dry season. According to Kenya Meteorological Department, Wajir County is expected to be generally sunny and dry in September.
Vegetation Condition: The vegetation condition index (VCI) was above normal greenness.
Production indicators
• No farming activities going on currently in Agro-Pastoral Livelihood Zone
• Livestock are in good to very good body condition
• Although there was a slight decline, milk production remained above average
Access indicators:
• The Terms of Trade was favorable at 94 kgs of maize for a sale of goat
• The livestock distance to water sources increased
• Livestock prices for camels and goats increased due to increased demand.
• Milk consumption decreased from 2.0 litres in July to 1.9 litres in August
• Maize recorded average price increase of 5% compared to the previous month.
Utilization Indicators:
▪ Significant improvement in nutrition has been observed over some time.
▪ FCS remained stable among the sampled households across all the livelihood zones
▪ An increase in use of coping strategies in August was noted
▪ No disease outbreak reported during the month under review