Reporting Period 3 to 31 October 2024
- As of 31 October 2024, a total of 11 out of 47 counties in Kenya each have reported at least one confirmed case of mpox, giving a total of 14 confirmed cases, with 1 death. The case fatality rate is 7.1 per cent.
- Eight out of the 14 confirmed cases are men, five women and one child aged 15 years old.
- With UNICEF support, close to 400,000 people (48% children) have been reached with lifesaving key messages on mpox; close to 90,000 people reached with health interventions, and 36,000 reached with WASH interventions.
- UNICEF’s mpox response plan has a funding gap of $857,000 and has US$1.6 million available for immediate response.
Total suspected cases
Children under 15 among suspected cases
People deceased
As of 31 October 2024, 11 out of 47 counties in Kenya have reported at least one confirmed case each, with 14 cases having been confirmed (Nakuru 2, Taita Taveta 1, Busia 1, Nairobi 1, Mombasa 1, Makueni 1, Kajiado 2, Bungoma 2, Kilifi 1, Uasin Gishu 1, and Kericho 1 counties), with one death registered among the confirmed cases (Case fatality rate of 7.1%), and 12 recoveries (recovery rate of 85.7%). Eight out of the 14 confirmed cases are men, who are long-distance truck drivers, five are women contacts and one is a child aged 15 years old.
A total of 264 samples have been collected, with nine confirmed positive, 249 negative and one pending (positivity rate of 5.3%). A total of 68 contacts have been listed. 61 have been followed up for 21 days. One tested positive for mpox, and seven are on follow-up. Cumulatively, 1,596,521 travelers have been screened in 26 points of entries (POEs).
Kenya remains at high risk for continued community transmission. Key challenges include low public risk perception of mpox and inadequate resources for response, including for training of health care workers.