• From 1 January to 31st October 2017, 65,412 severely malnourished children (83% of annual target) and 127,028 moderately malnourished children (65% of annual target) have been admitted for treatment.
• As catch-up campaign for children missed during the nurses’ strike, a total of 364,182 children received emergency health services during the reporting period.
• During the reporting period, 149,505 people in Baringo, Garissa, Marsabit,
Samburu, Turkana, Tana River and Wajir Counties gained permanent access to safe water through repair of boreholes. About 13,200 school children were reached with WASH services.
• Seven counties (Nairobi, Garissa, Embu, Kirinyaga, Mombasa, Turkana and Wajir) have active cholera outbreak. From 1st January 2017, total Cholera cases reported are 3,967 with 76 deaths (CFR 1.9%).
• The measles outbreak reported in Dadaab refugee camps is now under control, with the last case reported on 24th October 2017.
• The Kenya 2017 HAC appeal has a funding gap of 38% and without additional funding, UNICEF will be unable to optimally support the drought emergency response and mitigate the risks for children.
3.4 million People are food insecure (2017 Long Rains Assessment, August 2017)
3.5 million People are in urgent need of safe drinking water (Ministry of Water and Irrigation,
June 2017)
1.6 million Children are food insecure (2017 Long Rains Assessment, June 2017)
104,614 Children under 5 in need of SAM treatment (Nutrition SMART Surveys, July 2017, total caseload)
*Funds available include funding received against current appeal as well as carry-forward from the previous year (US$7.2 million, which includes US$2.8 million for the refugee response).
UNICEF HAC Appeal 2017 US$ 42,435,000
Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs
According to the latest Ministry of Health (MoH) disease outbreak situation report, seven counties (Nairobi, Garissa, Embu, Kirinyaga, Mombasa, Turkana and Wajir) have ongoing cholera outbreaks. From 1 January 2017, 3,967 Cholera cases have been reported with 76 deaths (CFR 1.9%). Following the Marburg Viral Disease (MVD) outbreak in Uganda, preparedness measures are being implemented in Kenya. Nine people at risk from Trans Nzoia County and 10 contacts from West Pokot County were followed up successfully for 21 days, none of which developed symptoms of MVD. Enhanced Surveillance activities will continue for three more months in the respective counties. The measles outbreak reported in Dadaab refugee camps is now under control, with the last case reported on 24 October 2017.
The Kenya Red Cross has reported flash floods in in Turkana, Isiolo, Marsabit, Tana River and Kwale counties in the month of November, with 1,809 households affected. Transportation was disrupted by the floods in Turkana, Marsabit, Baringo and Mandera counties, affecting timely delivery of essential supplies. According to FEWSNET, the short rains have been above average across most of the country as of mid-November, including in Mandera and large parts of Wajir counties.
However, in other eastern and southern areas, the rainfall amounts have decreased ranging between 25 to 80 percent of normal, with some pockets in south eastern and coastal areas receiving less than 25 percent of normal rainfall. The rains in the arid and semi-arid areas have had positive impact but with varying magnitude. It is likely that there will be some rainfall deficits that could impact both marginal agricultural production and pastoral livelihoods, and any positive impact of the rains is likely to take many months to be felt in terms of improvements on the nutrition outcomes. Parts of the country that have not received the expected rainfall have reported deteriorating food security indicators, including decreased milk production, in the southern Rift (Kajiado and Narok) counties. Nutrition SMART surveys are planned in those counties in January 2018 to assess the nutrition situation of women and children.
Humanitarian Strategy and Coordination
The Government of Kenya is leading the drought response at both national and county levels. However, the scale of the needs has overwhelmed national structures and capacity to respond. The response capacity was also negatively influenced by the election campaigns, and by delays incurred by the installation of new local governments in many counties.
In collaboration with the Government of Kenya and partners, UNICEF is leading a catch-up campaign to provide emergency integrated maternal and new-born health intervention to speed up recovery from the impact of the nurse strike and the drought. The UN inter-agency Flash Appeal (launched in September 2017) called for US$ 106 million for humanitarian response, targeting 1.9 million people across the 11 counties facing the highest levels of malnutrition and food insecurity. UNICEF is leading sector coordination for Nutrition and WASH and co-leading Education and Child Protection sectoral coordination. UNICEF is also leading the Garissa and Kisumu humanitarian coordination hubs for election preparedness and response. UNICEF is supporting the drought response through technical support to Government and partners, increased partnerships, delivery of lifesaving interventions and supplies, and is currently conducting a Real-Time Evaluation of the drought response. UNICEF is also supporting floods preparedness and response for the short rains (October to December) season. UNICEF participates in the Inter-Sector Working Group led by UNOCHA and in the Kenya Humanitarian Partnership forum led by the UN Resident Coordinator.