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UNICEF Kenya Humanitarian Situation Report, 31 January 2018



  • In January 2018, UNICEF has distributed 2,909 cartons of Ready-To-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) across nine counties.

  • A total of 95,757 people (15,321 children under five) were reached with malaria control interventions including indoor residual spraying, distribution of insecticidal treated nets, as well as behaviour change communication.

  • 1,333 (799 girls) children comprising of 203 (59 girls) refugee children and 1,130 (740 girls) drought-affected children in Isiolo, Mandera, Samburu and Tana River counties were reached with protection services.

  • During January, 29,287 people including 2,300 school children in 8 primary schools accessed permanent safe water sources through UNICEF-supported rehabilitation of eight boreholes in Garissa County.

  • A total of 817 Cholera cases, resulting in 10 deaths (CFR 1.2%) have been reported in 2018. UNICEF has distributed emergency health commodities to cover the needs of 50,000 beneficiaries for a period of 3 months.

  • In 2018, UNICEF requires US$ 33.7 million for its Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) Appeal to respond to the humanitarian needs arising as a result of the ongoing drought, inter-communal conflict, disease outbreaks, flash floods and for the refugee response. The 2018 HAC has a funding gap of 84%.


3.4 million People are food insecure (2017 Long Rains Assessment, August 2017)

3.5 million People are in urgent need of safe drinking water (Ministry of Water and Irrigation,
June 2017)

1.6 million Children are food insecure (2017 Long Rains Assessment, June 2017)

104,614 Children under 5 in need of SAM treatment (Nutrition SMART Surveys, July 2017, total caseload)

*Funds available include funding received against current appeal as well as carry-forward from the previous year (US$7.2 million, which includes US$2.8 million for the refugee response).

UNICEF HAC Appeal 2018 US$ 33,735,000

Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs

According to FEWSNET, dry conditions prevailed over the pastoral areas in January 2018, and only some of the southernmost marginal agricultural areas received scattered rainfall. Overall, Stressed (IPC Phase 2) food security outcomes persist across the majority of pastoral and marginal agricultural areas. However, Crisis (IPC Phase 3) food security outcomes continue in parts of Isiolo and Tana River due to poor food and income availability. According to the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA), the October to December 2017 short rains were poorly distributed with below normal rainfall in some areas. Consequently, early recovery has been less than anticipated, and not sufficient to sustain households through the hot dry months starting January to end of March 2018. A total of 13 of the 23 ASAL Counties (56%) are experiencing normal drought status, while six counties (Isiolo, Kajiado, Tana River, Garissa, Kilifi and Wajir) are in Alarm drought status showing a worsening trend and are reporting increasing water stress; and five Counties (Mandera, Kitui, Marsabit,Taita Taveta and Tharaka Nithi) are in Alert drought status. Currently, 3.4 million people are in still in need of food assistance. The drought has also contributed to resource-based inter-communal conflict in Eldas and Buna sub-counties of Wajir County, resulting in the closure of Lakole North, Basir North, Masale North, Sigderr, Sala and Kuro primary schools in Buna, affecting learning for over 500 children.

According to the latest Ministry of Health Disease Outbreak situation report dated 31st January 2018, six counties (Siaya, Garissa, Siaya, Tharaka Nithi, Meru and Busia) are still reporting an active Cholera outbreak since beginning of the year, while the outbreak has been controlled in Kirinyaga and Mombasa counties. A total of 817 Cholera cases resulting in 10 deaths (CFR 1.2%) have been reported in 2018. In addition, Mombasa County has reported Chikungunya outbreak with a total of 453 cases, 33 confirmed.

According to the Child Protection Information Management System (CPIMS) data, a total of 452 (78 boys and 174 girls) new refugee children were received in Kakuma Refugee Camp by 26th January 2018. Of these, a total 111 (33 girls) were separated children, and 92 (66 boys and 26 girls) were unaccompanied. Most partners supporting refugee education services have experienced huge budget cuts leading to reduction of personnel and support to local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) that has sometimes led to demonstrations by refugee host communities, disrupting learning in Kakuma for children in both the host communities and in the refugee population.