• Results of the 2017 Short Rains Assessment released on 2nd March indicate that 2.55 million people are food insecure, down from 3.4 million.
• A total of 5,891 severely malnourished children and 13,029 moderately malnourished children were admitted for treatment in January 2018.
• According to January and February Nutrition surveys, the caseload of severely malnourished children has reduced by 16% from 6 months ago, with a reduction of 7% in the number of moderately malnourished children.
• Measles outbreak is reported from Wajir and Mandera Counties, with 24 cases (6 confirmed) reported in Wajir East sub-county. Most affected age group is under 5 years (42%) and nine cases (38%) are above 14 years.
• In February 2018, 10,219 women, girls, boys and men accessed permanent safe water sources through UNICEF-supported rehabilitation of two boreholes in Isiolo County • During February 2018, a total of 820 (351 girls) drought-affected children in Isiolo, Mandera, Samburu and Tana River counties were reached with protection services.
• In 2018, UNICEF requires US$ 33.7 million for its Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) Appeal. The 2018 HAC has a funding gap of 81%. In the reporting period, USD 1M from Government of Japan has been received.
2 March 2018
2.55 million People are food insecure (2017 Short Rains Assessment, March 2018)
3.5 million People are in urgent need of safe drinking water (Ministry of Water and Irrigation,
June 2017)
1.19 million Children are food insecure (2017 Short Rains Assessment, March 2018)
85,837 Children under 5 in need of SAM treatment (Nutrition SMART Surveys, February 2018, total caseload)
*Funds available include funding received against current appeal as well as carry-forward from the previous year (US$ 5.5 million, which includes US$1.7 million for the refugee response).
UNICEF HAC Appeal 2018 US$ 33,735,000
Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs
The Government of Kenya released the results of the Short Rains Assessment on March 2nd 2018. The results indicate improvement from six months ago, with 2.55 million people classified as food insecure and requiring assistance. While this is a reduction from by August 2017 where 3.4 million people were food insecure, it continues to highlight a high level of humanitarian needs. The assessment indicates a poor outlook for the next rainy season in most parts of the country, especially in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) posing a risk of further deterioration of the food security situation in those areas. Key findings of the assessment include overall improvements in food security. However, food availability remains low due to below average 2017 crop production leading to incomplete recovery from the 2017 severe drought, coupled with the cumulative effects of previous poor rain seasons. Going forward, it is expected that there will be an increase in cross border-imports of maize to meet deficits