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Kenya + 1 more

UNHCR Kenya Kakuma Operational Update, 1 - 15 March 2016



  • As at 15 March 2016, Kakuma had received and registered 51,417 refugees from South Sudan. This brings the total registered camp population to 187,867 (as at 11 March) with South Sudanese making up 51.1% (95,953) of the population. 

  • A delegation from ECHO is in Kakuma from 15 to 18 March; the team is on a Child protection monitoring and evaluation mission where the digitization of Child Protection service delivery will be assessed. ECHO is funding UNICEF which is implementing the digitization process in collaboration w ith UNHCR and child protection partners. 

  • The PRM Regional Refugee Coordinator was in Kakuma on 14 March; she was accompanied by officials from the Political Section who were interested in seeing the work that PRMsupports in Kakuma. The mission met with a section of refugee leaders and visited some of the PRM funded projects in the camp. 

  • On 09 March, Kakuma experienced flash floods after hours of heavy rainfall.The UNHCR compound and adjacent agency compounds were flooded as Tarach River which bypasses the compound burst its banks. Some shelters in the camp were also affected and UNHCR has already intervened by providing shelter and NFIs to affected households.

  • International Women’s day was celebrated in Kakuma on 08 March. The day, who’s global theme was “Gender Equality 50/50 by 2030” was marked at a colourful occasion in the camp attended by refugees, host communitymembers, UNHCR, Government representatives and partners. The day celebrates women and their achievements all over the world. It is also an occasion to remember the struggles and hardships many women face, especially those who havebeen forcibly displaced.

  • On 08 March, the Humanitarian Private Sector Partnership Platform for East Africa (HPPP-EA) was officially launched in Nairobi. The event was livestreamed in Kakuma where refugee and host community business representatives participated. The event was organized by World Vision and OCHA and was opened by the UNHCR Kenya Country Representative and OCHA Regional Representative. Private sector representatives included Equity Bank and MasterCard. The platform will provide a forum for humanitarian and private sector stakeholders to identify innovative solutions for refugee operations for purposes of sustainable socio-economic development.

  • On 08 March, UNHCR in collaboration with World Vision and WFP hosted four members of the U.S. Congress who were in Kakuma to familiarize themselves with the operation. The Congress people were representing the States of Maryland, South Dakota, Minnesota and Missouri. The team was especially interested in the food distribution process and delivery of health services torefugees and the host community. The mission was accompanied by the WFP Country Representative and World Vision National Director. The Governor of Turkana County was on hand to welcome them and briefed them on the joint efforts by UNHCR, partners and the County and National Government to support both refugees and host community.


51,417 South Sudanese refugeesreceived since December 2013.

2,370 Unaccompanied childreninKakuma Camp.

833 New arrivals from South Sudan received during reporting period

92 Children screened formalnutrition at reception centre

19 Litres of water provided per person

7,500 Number of roofed durable shelters for new arrivals


USD 226.7M Requested for the Kenya operation

USD 45.2M Requested for Kakuma operation