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Kenya + 5 more

UNHCR Kenya Kakuma Operational Update, 1 - 15 February 2017



The camp population as at 15th February 2017. The figure is inclusive of Kalobeyei population.

Number of South Sudanese new arrivals registered during the reporting period.

The population currently hosted at Kalobeyei Settlement.

20 litres
The per capita water consumption per person per in Kakuma refugee.


Requested for Kakuma operation.
Funded 31%
Gap 69%


  • Movement of new arrivals from Nadapal transit centre to Kakuma

  • Monitoring of new arrivals trend

  • Development of Kalobeyei settlement

  • Maintenance of roads and water network

  • Relocation from Dadaab

  • Voluntary repatriation (VOLREP)


 The operation continues to receive refugees from South Sudan at the Kenya – South Sudan border at Nadapal Transit Centre.

 The laying and jointing of a 13 Km water pipeline from Kakuma to Kalobeyei is ongoing. Thus far, a total of 7 Km has been completed. A generator and water pump has been installed at the booster station in Lopur, Kakuma. The pipeline is expected to be complete by the end of February 2017.

 UNHCR continues to truck water to over 22,000 refugees and host community in Kalobeyei. Additional commercial water bowsers, with a capacity of 35,000 and 40,000 litres have been hired to supplement the existing 4 UNHCR water bowsers to ensure refugees have access to clean and safe water.

 On 3rd February 2017 at Kakuma airstrip, PDU and RST unit received 46 refugees whose USA resettlement departures were. The refugees were counselled on the prevailing situation.

 On 1st February, UNHCR Kakuma operation hosted a mission from Operational Solutions and Transition Section (OSTS). The mission which comprised of Antonie Sefieir - Associate Programme Office (Solutions) and Helen Atrafi (Policy Officer) toured Kakuma camp and Kalobeyei settlement to familiarize with the operation.

 On 13th February 2017, UNHCR Kakuma operation hosted the new Horn of Africa Team Leader from ECHO Mrs. Sandra Descroix. The Team Leader was on a familiarization tour of Kakuma where she visited among others Kakuma Reception Centre, the IRC hospital and Kalobeyei settlement.

 On 13th February 2017, the operation hosted UN-Habitat’s Deputy Executive Director Dr. Aisa Kacyira. Dr. Akisa was accompanied by UNHCR’s Country Representative to Kenya Mr. Raouf Mazou among other Un-Habitat and UNHCR staff. The mission toured Kalobeyei water pan site and various infrastructure projects in Kalobeyei settlement.


Operational Context

 UNHCR conducts border monitoring visits to Nadapal three to four times a week to ensure that asylum seekers have unhindered access to asylum procedures and are treated humanely. Emergency medical cases are transferred to African Inland Church (AIC) Mission or Lopiding Hospital in Lokichoggio or to Kakuma’s referral hospital in Kakuma 4.

 As at 15th February 2017, Kakuma had a registered population of 140,458 refugees from 18 countries. The majority of these refugees are from South Sudan (54.8%) and Somalia (24.4%), followed by Sudan (5.9%) and Democratic Republic of Congo (6.3%) with smaller numbers from other countries.

 In February 2017, UNHCR has registered a total of 1,773 individuals including a total of 1,187 individuals from South Sudan. Since the beginning of January 2017, a total of 3,722 new arrivals have been registered in the UNHCR database.

 As at 15 the February 2017, the population at Kalobeyei settlement stood at 22,405 individuals from 13 countries including 16,938 (10.4%) individuals from South Sudan. Other nationalities include 2,144 (1.3%), 1,581 (1.0%) Burundians, 969 (0.6%) Congolese among other nationalities.

 Over 90% of the new arrivals from South Sudan are women and children coming from Eastern and Central Equatoria, Jonglei, Unity, and Upper Nile States.

 The Government of Kenya through the Refugee Affairs Secretariat (RAS), The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and The UN Agency for Migration (IOM) continues to relocate non-Somali refugees from Dadaab refugee camp to Kalobeyei settlement. As at 15th February 2017, a total of 2,611 individuals had been relocated to Kalobeyei settlement. Majority of the relocates are from the Anyuak community from Ethiopia.