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Kenya + 9 more

UNHCR Kenya Factsheet - January 2017



  • 14,162 Identified unaccompanied Minors and Separated Children

  • 86 Households provided with cash grants

  • 1,288,598 NFIs distributed

  • 1,671 Shelters distributed

Population of Concern

Total of people of concern 496,420


USD 214,400,000 requested


  • 6289 Kenyan nationals who in the past registered as refugees, presented themselves to the GOK vetting process through the office of the Deputy County Commissioner (DCC). In addition about 200 refugees who previously applied for/ obtained Kenan identity cards, presented themselves to the GOK for the same vetting process.

  • 5,052 returnees were facilitated to voluntarily return to Somalia by road convoys to Kismayo and Baidoa areas from Dadaab. As of 31st January 2017, about 44,366 Somali refugees had been facilitated to voluntarily rerun from the Dadaab camps.

  • During the cross border meeting the impact of drought on return and reintegration, peace building initiatives, and provision of country of origin information as well as monitoring returnees with specific needs were discussed.

  • A total of 455 families comprising of 1,468 non-Somali refugees were relocated from Dadaab to Kalobeyei in January 2017. The refugees were airlifted to Kakuma before being settled in Kalobeyei. Upon arrival, the relocates are provided with Shelter and NFIs.

  • For the coming 120 days all departures to the US have been cancelled and new cases can no longer be submitted. The cases currently in the pipeline will be put on hold, but will not be cancelled. The resettlement unit will focus on the ending caseload, ensuring that once/if the green light is given these cases will be ready for out-processing. The Resettlement Service in HQ is advocating with other resettlement countries to take over the cases pending with the US.