Situation overview
- The Greater Turkana district received very good amount of rainfall towards the end the month.
- The quality and quantity of pasture and browse in wet season grazing areas improved moderately.
- The average walking distance to and from water sources has reduced from 3.3 km recorded in November to 3.0 km.
- The body condition of most livestock species improved compared to the previous month. The mortality rate for all livestock species' has decreased from 9.63 % in November to 7.23 %. The average birth rate for livestock has decreased from 16.83% in November to 10.33%.
- The livestock sales rate decreased marginally from 3.75% recorded in November to 3.73%.
- Household milk production across the six districts decreased from 11.63% in November to 8.37 %.
- Fewer conflict incidences were reported during the month in all the cross border zones of Turkana.
- Most health centres recorded cases of malaria and upper respiratory tract infections. Cholera and measles outbreaks were reported.
- The nutrition status of children below five years improved slightly during the month, with the percentage of those rated at risk of malnutrition dropping to 25.70 from 26.40 in November.
- Based on the general overview, the prevailing food security situation in six districts is under "Recovery" Phase.