Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
The county did not experience any noteworthy rainfall during the month of September. Nevertheless, for the 6-month period (April 2018 to September 2018), the cumulative rainfall constitutes 160% of what is normally received for the interval.
The condition of vegetation deteriorated as signified by the shift in VCI-3month downwards but the level of greenness was within the normal range across all areas in the county.
Forage condition was fair throughout the width of the three livelihood zones albeit gravitating to poor in some few places.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Generally livestock body condition for all species was fair while the household return trekking distance to water source increased slightly but was within the normal range.
The level of production and consumption of milk decreased a bit and fell outside the normal range for the month under review.
Although terms of trade was within the normal range, it dropped a little. Neither was there any notable migration taking place nor animal death attributed to dehydration reported in September.
Coping strategy index remained unchanged and within the normal range. Forty one percent of households were classified as having a poor FCS and that was an increase from the twenty eight percent reported in August. Proportion of children ‘at risk’ of malnutrition increased marginally but was confined to the limits of the normal range for the month under analysis.