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Turkana County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for October 2024


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

Drought Phase: Normal– Worsening

Biophysical Indicators

• Heavy showers received for one day across the county during second dekad. Dry conditions prevailed the other days.

• The VCI portrays above normal vegetation greenness for the current period.

• Recharge level of open and underground water sources declined.

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

Production indicators:

• Livestock body condition for all species is good but deteriorating

• No activity in rain-fed farms.

• Milk production slightly reduced but remained stable.

Access indicators:

• Household trekking distance stabilized whereas livestock trekking distances increased compared to September.

• Livestock prices reduced slightly but remained above LTA apart from goat price which increased.

• Maize price decreased and bean price stabilized when compared to September

• The Terms of Trade increased attributed to good livestock prices against stable cereal prices.

Utilization indicators:

• Milk consumption reduced but remained stable.

• Proportion of households with poor FCS increased by 2.1 percent compared to |September.

• The proportion of children who were categorized as ‘moderately malnourished’ increased.