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Turkana County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for October 2017


Biophysical Indicators

  • Rainfall: Onset was timely on between the second and third week. Good amounts were received (178% of normal) well spread in time and space.
  • The state of water sources remained within the normal range.
  • Vegetation: The Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) was above the normal across all the livelihoods.
  • Browse and pasture are in good condition and normal.

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

  • Crops were performing well in all cropping areas.
  • Livestock body condition was good and no deaths reported.
  • Milk production improved significantly; above normal.
  • Livestock distance from grazing to water sources decreased.
  • Households return distance to water sources decreased.
  • Terms of Trade were good and remained above normal.
  • The percentage of children under five years, with MUAC less than 135 mm, decreased and was below normal.
  • Coping Strategy Index (CSI) decreased and was below normal.