Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
The month of September was characterised by dry, sunny and hot weather conditions. However, some showers of rain were recorded in selected areas in the month of September.
The trend of water sources and Vegetation cover across the County continued to reduce compared to that of the previous month although both of their condition remained normal compared to that of the long term average.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Production Indicators
The condition of pasture and browse was normal but it reduced slightly from that of the previous month. Livestock body condition was fair for cattle and goats and it reduced slightly but it remained normal compared to that of the long term average.
Food Stock at households’ level was stable with a reducing trend but it remained normal compared to that of the long term average.
Access Indicators
Livestock prices reduced due to overdependence of livestock sales for income due to low commodity prices. Grazing distance decreased due to use of crop residue while reduction of household water distance was due to repair of some water sources. Both .Milk production and consumption reduced from that of August Utilization Indicators
Percentages of children at risk of malnutrition decreased from that of the previous month and remained within the normal range.
Following all the above prevailing conditions, the overall drought phase in September remained Normal with a stable trend.