Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
Rainfall Performance: No rainfall was recorded in the county during the period under review.
Vegetation Condition: The county 3-month vegetation condition index (VCI) for July is at a value of 58.95 which implies above normal greenness.
Standard Precipitation: During the reviewed period, the county 3-monthly Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) was moderately wet indicating no drought stress in the County. Soil Moisture Anomaly (SMA): The county’s SMA was at an average of 2.91, thus indicating wetness.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Production Indicators:
Livestock body condition across was satisfactory during the period. Milk production is on a downward trend but still above the normal range.
Access indicators:
Terms of Trade (ToT) is above the normal ranges. Household and livestock distance to water points have slightly increased though within the normal range at this time of the year.
Utilization indicators: Food Consumption Score (FCS) was recorded at 66.67, within the normal range at this time of the year. MUAC - Percentage of children between 6-59 months at Risk of malnutrition was recorded at 1.3.This showed an increase by 7.7% when compared to last month.