Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
• Long rain performance was 50- 75% of normal,erratic and
depressed. Harvests were less than 60% of normal.No rainfall was
received in July.Long dry spell is expected to continue till midOctober. Status of water sources was below normal and reducing
due to low recharge during the season. Water rationing was
frequent,especially for piped water system in trading centres such
as Tunyai which undermined access to clean water.
• The overall vegetation cover across the County was below normal
and reducing. Most crops were been harvested but the drop in yield
is more than 60% of the long term average for the season.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Production Indicators
- Livestock body condition was fair but reducing while food stocks at household levels was below normal and declining.Livestock prices were low and reducing while food commodities prices were higher and increasing. Market operation was normal for both livestock and food commodities. Food commodity prices are likely to continue increasing due to low stocks and poor harvests while Livestock prices were reducing and are expected to worsen due to poor long rains performance.Milk production and consumption was still low .
Access Indicators
- Household water distance increased but was normal while Livestock watering distance to grazing areas also increased but remained almost the same as of the previous month.
Utilization Indicators
- Following all the prevailing conditions, the overall drought phase in July was at alarm and the condition was Stable.