Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
- High temperatures and less cloud cover prevailed throughout the month of February 2016. The Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) was 56 indicative of vegetation greenness above normal. The state of water sources was good to fair in the period under review as attributed to adequate recharge of water sources.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Production indicators
The crop condition ranged from good to fair which is normal.
Livestock body was moderate compared to normal normally.
The quality and quantity of pasture and browse was fair in the Marginal Mixed livelihood zone whereas in the Mixed and Rainfed Livelihood zones it was good to fair.
Access indicators
- Milk Production and consumption per livelihood zone decreased slightly to averages of 29 litres and 25 litres respectively in the period under review compared 35 litres and an average consumption of 30 litres recorded in January. Terms of Trade (ToT) ratio were at 136 in comparison to an average of 113 in the month of January implying ToT was favourable to the livestock keepers.
Utilization Indicators
- Percentage of children at risk of malnourishment whose MUAC was below 135mm was 6.4 for the period under review which was below the average of 6.7 percent.