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Tana River County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for March 2020


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

Drought Phase:Normal-Stable

Biophysical Indicators

• Most Biophysical indicators are still within the expected seasonal ranges.

• Showers of rainfall were received in the month of March 2020.

• The March Vegetation Condition Index values for Tana River County are above normal and clearly indicating good vegetation conditions across all sub-counties.

• The Water levels in water pans were below normal at 4(45%-70%) in mixed and marginal mixed livelihood zones but 3(25-50%)in Pastoral livelihood zones. Water levels within pastoral livelihood zones are still below normal and some areas are still experiencing water stress.

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

Production indicators:

• The forage condition is good to fair in both quality and quantity but the hatched locusts will reduce the quantity and quality.

• Livestock body condition is good to fair across all livelihood zones.

• Milk production is below normal given the fair forage and pasture conditions.

• No Livestock deaths were reported in all Livelihood zones.

Access indicators

• Terms of trade are currently above normal range.

• Distances to water sources for households currently below normal ranges.

Utilization indicators:

• The number of under-fives at risk of malnutrition stood at 14.50%, which is above normal at this time of the year.

• Copping strategy index for households is within normal ranges but on an improving trend.