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Tana River County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for July 2024


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

Biophysical Indicators

▪ Generally, the month was characterised by dry and cool weather conditions across all the livelihood zones.

▪ The vegetation greenness for the county ranged from Normal vegetation greenness to Moderate drought ▪ Forage condition ranged from fair to poor attributed to the the heat effect during the daytime hours. Socio-Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

Production Indicators

▪ Livestock body condition for all species ranged from good smooth appearance to moderate (neither fat nor thin).

▪ Milk production at household level was relatively normal at 2.2 litres.

Access Indicators

▪ Households were able to purchase about 91 kilogram of maize from the sale of a medium-sized goat ▪ Household milk consumption was within normal at 1.2 litres.

▪ Return trekking distances to water sources for both domestic and livestock use were on increase buwithin normal.

Utilization Indicators

▪ The percentage of children at risk of malnutrition was within normal at 18 percent.

▪ High proportion of the households were at borderline food consumption score (FCS)