Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
• Biophysical indicators are showing negative trends away
from expected seasonal ranges.
• No rainfall were received in the month of July 2022.
• The July Vegetation Condition Index values for Tana
North-Bura, Galole and Tana Delta sub-county are below
normal and on declining trend for the county by 30th July
• The Water levels in most water pans were declining
below normal at 3(35%-40%) across all livelihood zones.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Production indicators:
• The forage condition is poor in pastoral and marginal
mixed but fair to good in mixed farming livelihoods in
both quality and quantity
• Livestock body condition is normal in mixed but
Stressed in marginal mixed and pastoral livelihood
• Milk production is below average in Pastoral and
marginal mixed livelihood zones. This is attributed to
depleted forage and pasture conditions.
• Increased Livestock migrations towards the fall back
grazing fields have been observed during the month.
Access indicators
• Terms of trade on declining trend. Attributed to
decreasing prices of goat and increasing cereal prices
due to market dynamics.
• Distances to water sources for households currently on a
increasing trend and below averages compared to
Utilization indicators:
• The number of under-fives at risk of malnutrition
currently on the increase compared to previous month.
• Copping strategy index for households is on increasing
trend due high food prices and lack of enough food at
household level.