Biophysical Indicator
The County is currently experiencing severe vegetation deficit due to the poor performance of the OND seasonal rains. Generally, vegetation cover in the county is below normal.
- No major rains received in January. On average the county received negligible amounts at 0.8 mm.
- The vegetation condition. The 3-month VCI indicates that the County is experiencing severe vegetation deficit for this month in comparison to same time of previous years recording a VCI of 16.65.
Production indicators
- Most of the livestock population are currently in the hinterlands. Livestock migration from Tana delta continues due to extreme depletion of pasture and browse.
- Pasture and browse conditions are generally poor.
- Livestock body condition remains fair.
- Milk production at household level remained poor in this month and was below the normal range at 2.7 litres.
Access indicators
- Milk consumption at household level was below normal at 2.4 litres.
- The average livestock distance to the water sources was above normal at 10 km.
Utilization indicators
The nutrition status of the children under 5 years remains poor. The percentage of children who are at risk increased to 19.6%. The percentage of children who were at Mid at Risk Category (125 - 134mm)recorded 12.4% of the population, those who were at Moderate Category (115-124mm) were 7.3% and those in the Severe Category (<115mm) were 0.2% in this month. The poor nutritional status is attributed to low milk production and also failure of farm crops that resulted to poor agricultural production in the livelihood zones.