Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
Onset was timely in the first dekad of the month.
Moderate vegetation greenness prevailed except for East with severe vegetation deficit despite the rains.
Considerable recharge of both surface and underground water sources.
Socio Economic Indicators Details
Trekking distances to water points for both households and livestock decreased following the off season showers.
Livestock are migrating back albeit pastures not yet recovered
Milk production and consumption decreased compared to September.
Body condition for most cattle was fair and fair to good for small stock.
Market prices increased for all livestock species.
Maize/posho prices at market increased compared to September due to inaccessibility caused by the rains.
ToT increased with a medium sized goat exchanged with 56.7 kilograms of cereals.
Proportion of children less than 5 years at risk of malnutrition slightly decreased compared to September but remained high.