1. Rationale
1.1. Rationale
As of August 2020, a total of 220,519 mostly Somali refugees resided in Dadaab camps, 157,539 and 39,594 mostly South Sudan in Kakuma camps and Kalobeyei settlement respectively. A majority of these refugees fled their counties of origin due to conflict. Dadaab camps were established in 1991, Kakuma camps in 1992 and Kalobeyei was launched in 2018. According to the JMSNA conducted by REACH Initiatives in Dadaab in 2019, these refugees are reportedly in need of livelihood opportunities among other needs such as food, education, health and nutrition, WASH items and protection. Some refugees, do not have proper documentations such as birth certificates, alien identity cards, marriage certificates, etc.
REACH Initiative in close coordination with NRC, UNHCR and other relevant humanitarian actors in Dadaab, has been conducting joint multi sectoral needs assessment (JMSNA) in Dadaab since 2018. In September 2019, REACH Initiative conducted a JMSNA in Dadaab camps and found out that 45% of HHs in Hagadera and Ifo and 80% of HHs in Dagahaley, had at least one member of the HH with no identity documents (IDs). These HH members who did not have an ID experienced challenges in obtaining movement pass, accessing communication sim cards, banking services and services offered by the government. Food security was one of the critical humanitarian needs reported by refugees since more than a quarter of the HHs in the three camps of Dadaab were found to have a poor food consumption score.
Kenya has reported 33,016 COVID-19 positive cases as of 26 August 2020 and the country has been experiencing challenges related to COVID-19. The refugees’ population has also faced COVID-19 related challenges which has increased their vulnerability in lack of livelihood opportunities and other needs such as food, education, health and nutrition, WASH items and protection. To understand the levels of needs among the refugees in Dadaab refugee camps, Kakuma refugee camps and Kalobeyei settlement, REACH in close coordination with NRC, UNHCR and other relevant humanitarian actors will conduct a JMSNA in Dadaab refugee camps, Kakuma refugee camps and Kalobeyei settlement