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Kenya + 12 more

Regional Coordination Food Crisis in Africa (MDR60003): Operations Update 3


Summary of major revisions made to emergency plan of action:

Under the current Emergency Appeal, we still have 7 active operations ongoing in the field (Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Nigeria, South Sudan and Mauritania. Six of these ends in December 2018 and one in February 2019 (Mauritania). All these projects will need coordination and PMER support and quality controls. Over the past 15 years, nearly fifty per cent of the 1 billion CHF total aid that all 49 Sub-Saharan National Societies have requested from the IFRC was targeted at off-setting famine and food insecurity. Therefore, it is essential to reflect on the main lessons learned from the IFRC response to the food crisis in Africa in 20172018, with key stakeholders involved in NSs and within the IFRC, including at the country, cluster, regional and HQ levels A lessons learned review will be conducted by an external consultant with expected final report by early November. The overall purpose of this review is to analyze how IFRC can improve its interventions and regional coordination to respond more effectively to food crises in Africa in the future. The review will focus on both (1) the accomplishments, challenges and lessons learned of IFRC’s food crisis operations at country level, and (2) the value added of regional coordination and how it could be improved if used again in 2019 and beyond or what alternative tools or mechanisms could be more appropriate.

Ultimately, the results from this review, which builds on findings from previous lessons learned reviews for specific food crisis operations, will inform a revised IFRC Africa strategy for responding to food insecurity in Africa. The regional food crisis coordination appeal is expected to end in late 2018, and it is therefore important to identify how the Africa regional office can ensure efficient strategic oversight, coordination and technical support to ongoing or forthcoming food crisis operations in Africa in 2019 and beyond, while effectively mainstreaming a resilience approach.

The present modification seeks to request for an extension of appeal end date to December 2019 to permit regional office proper coordination, review of plans, conduct consultancy for lessons learned review, adequate PMER Support (as most reports are due late December or early 2019). The extension will also help conduct need assessments for Sahel and Southern Africa cluster.