Dear friend,
In the decades I've been working to solve global problems, I've never seen a crisis like the one we're currently tackling in the Horn of Africa.
Millions of people have been displaced by the worst drought and famine in a generation. They need food, water, shelter — and they also need nets.
During my time at the UN Foundation, I've seen how malaria can spread quickly and easily in refugee camps — they're crowded and set in swampy areas, where mosquitoes multiply by the thousands. I've also seen how a bed net can be a refugee's most powerful weapon against malaria.
We can protect these refugees from malaria — but we need your help to do it.
Now is the time to donate — give by December 31 and your donation will be doubled, helping Nothing But Nets send twice as many nets to refugee camps in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia.
With your support we can reach our goal of sending at least 150,000 bed nets to refugee families in the Horn of Africa — keeping those families protected from malaria for years to come.
Bed nets save lives. In the five years since the Nothing But Nets campaign began, we've sent enough nets to cover millions of refugees — and we know that the nets are working. A few weeks ago, the World Health Organization reported that malaria deaths in Africa have dropped by 33 percent since 2000.
Help us send 150,000 nets to protect refugee families: Make your donation today.
Thanks to a generous Nothing But Nets donor, any gift from now until the end of the year will be doubled, turning two bed nets into four, and five into 10, and allowing us to protect even more families from malaria.
Thank you for your continued support and generosity,
Kathy Calvin
CEO, United Nations Foundation