Situation overview
- Heavy rains were received in all parts of the district, which resulted into floods in most part of the district towards the end of the month.
- Pasture condition improved due to the recent rains in the district. Distances to and from water sources for livestock and domestic use have reduced from within the previous month's ranges of 5-10 kms and 6-12 Km due to water harvesting to 2-3km.
- The main sources of water during the review period include Dams, major rivers, strategic boreholes, springs/wells and runoff water harvesting.
- Livestock body conditions are improving due to the rains and pasture regeneration. This is true for all species.
- There were spontaneous reports of FMD, CBPP, Sheep & Goat Pox and Enterotoxaemia outbreaks in some parts of the district.
- Livestock prices are yet to improve but prices of cereals and legumes remained slightly higher compared to the previous month.
- Some farmers prepared land and planted others are preparing for tilling land as a result of this promising rains.
- Common storage pests such as rodents, weevils have continued to affect farmers in the mixed farming and agro pastoral zones.
- Major human diseases are expected to be reported during this rainy season.
- The nutrition status of children under five years continued to decline as compared to the previous months. This was attributed to declining food situations at the household's level. On average more than 23% of 700 children sampled were rated at risk of malnutrition compared to 22% in November.
- The overall food security situation for the district is poor and requires close monitoring especially in the lower rangelands.
Recommendation to DSG and KFSM
- There is need for continued support to pastoralists on the livestock disease management and control. Vaccination of livestock against Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), Contagious Bovine Pleural Pneumonia (CBPP) and control of Nagana in affected areas of, Mara, Loita, Central, Osupuko parts of Ololulung'a and Mau divisions.
- There is need for a close monitoring of the food security situation in the district. This is due to poor pasture regeneration and the prevalence of a serious food crisis following the prolonged drought and the mass crop failure during the last season.
- Key stakeholders including WFP and Red Cross to consider relief food and other emergency interventions (non food) to the affected population approximately numbering 120,000.
- The few farmers lucky to have gotten a crop of maize should be encouraged to store their harvests and be trained on proper storage techniques.
- Water harvesting technologies should also be up scaled in the district. Supplementary feeding of children under five should be done to improve on their nutritional status.
- There is great need for more capacity building activities especially on the importance of taking advantage of the expected El Niño/short rains to improve food security in the district.