Situation overview
- On average, there were 5 days of rain in the district. These were scattered especially in the upper parts of the district. The lower rangelands also received minimal rains of low intensity for an average of 4 days
- Livestock body condition has remained stable for all species
- Pasture and browse condition has remained good both in quality and quantity throughout the district.
- Suspected cases of F.M.D have been seen in areas of Central, Mara, Ololulunga and parts of Osupuko divisions
- Milk production have continued to improve with the increase in calving, lambing and kidding rates
- Livestock prices have slightly gone down during the review period from the previous months' rates of Ksh. 12,000 to sell at an average of Ksh. 11,000 per head at the household level
- Cereals and legumes prices have gone down following an improved availability of the same at the households level and a relative increase of other food sources.
- Water situation remained good throughout the district but steadily on a decline especially on the lower rangelands
- Land preparation for planting is almost complete with several farmers having planted wheat, maize and beans
- There were no major human diseases reported during the review period
- The percentage of children under five undernourished has slightly gone down. This is mainly attributed to an improvement in milk production and the reduced impact of the RVF fears in diet patterns.
1. The problem of F.M.D which is suspected
in some areas, should be ascertained and necessary control measures be
taken in time to avert an outbreak of the disease.
Action: D.V.O (lead), D.L.P.O
2. There is need to carry out an initial
survey of the performance of the long rains to enable the D.S.G to have
firsthand information of the situation on the ground for any preparedness
activities to be mobilized/initiated.
Action: D.M.O(Lead), D.A.O, D.L.P.O, D.V.O, D.W.O
3. Rising human wildlife conflicts should
be addressed adequately to enable a peaceful coexistence with wildlife
Action: K.W.S, (lead), Civil Society Organisations, N.E.M.A