Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
Rainfall: Most areas of the county experienced dry weather, although a few isolated regions received light showers.
Vegetation Condition: The vegetation condition index remained above normal in the county and all its subcounties.
Socio-Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Production Indicators: Farmers are currently planting maize and bean crops, but crop yields are expected to be poor due to the delayed onset of October-November-December rain season .Livestock are generally in fair condition across the livelihood zones, and milk production has remained stable, consistent with the short-term average.
Access Indicators: The price of basic food commodities such as maize and beans is on an increasing trend however remaining below the short-term average. Goat prices slightly decreased and were above the short-term average. The household and livestock trekking distances increased compared to September and were below the short-term average.
Utilization indicators: The proportion of children aged 6-59 months at risk of malnutrition ( MUAC 12.5 cm to 13.4 cm) marginally increased compared to September. During the month under review 54 percent of the households assessed had inadequate food intake. Similarly, households applied more coping strategies as seen through the increase of the reduced coping strategy index.