Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
- December was characterized by below normal rainfall, poor spatial and temporal distribution, and a premature cessation across all livelihood zones.
- Vegetation greenness however remained fairly high as vegetation Condition Index increased to 54.38 compared to 47.68 last month.
- Pasture and browse conditions improved across all livelihood zones compared to last month except for lower areas of Amwathi, Kangeta, Akithi, Muthara and Karama wards in the Agro-pastoral livelihood zone that registered minimal improvements.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Production indicators
- Cattle are of fair conditions in the Agro-pastoral zone while all other species were of fair to good conditions across all livelihood zones.
- Consumption of green beans ongoing. Dry harvesting will commence in January. Maize crop at at tussling, ear/cob formation, and grain filling stages in the Rain-fed and Mixed farming zones with a 30 percent harvest expected. In the Agro-pastoral livelihood, maize is moisture stressed and drying reported in most of the lower areas. Minimal harvests are expected in this zone.
Access indicators
- Return distances to watering points for households increased to 9.9 km from 8.1 km last month while that of livestock increased to 14.7 km from 10 km last month.
Utilization Indicators
- 20.6 percent of sampled children were at risk of malnutrition compared to 24.3 last month