Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
Rainfall: There was no rainfall received across the County with exception of Mt. Marsabit and Moyale Central which received traced amounts of 9.4mm and 7.7mm respectively. 6months cumulative rainfall is 133percent of the normal.
Vegetation condition: 3-months Vegetation Condition Index for the month of September was 83.1 which fell in the above normal vegetation greenness strap. Currently, forage condition is good across the County.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Production indicators: Livestock body condition was good for all the livestock species across the livelihood zones. Milk production slightly increased to 2.6Litres/household/day and is expected to improve further in the next month. Currently, total area under cultivation is 513h which depicts significant improvement when compared to last season.
Access indicators: Household and livestock trekking distances to water points are shorter when compared to the long term average. Milk consumption has remained stable when compared to the previous month.
Terms of trade was favourable and almost more than doubled when compared to similar periods due to improved goats’ prices coupled with stable maize prices. Households are relying on water pans and boreholes.
- Utilization indicators: Nutritional status of children below the age of five years remained stable and were below the long term average. Food consumption score fell within the acceptable band for six consecutive months. Coping strategy index slightly increased when compared to the previous month