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Marsabit County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for October 2017


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

Biophysical Indicators

  • Rainfall: Rainfall was received in most parts of the County in the month under review. Spatial and temporal distribution of the rains was good and fair respectively across the livelihood zones.

  • Vegetation condition: 3-month vegetation condition index for the month under review was 32.29 hence slight improvement from 31.45 depicted in the previous month due to enhanced rains received but still falls within the moderate vegetation deficit band. Forage condition is generally fair across the livelihood zones.

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

  • Production indicators: Livestock body condition gradually improved and was poor-fair for the livestock species. Ranges from poor-fair and fair for cattle, shoats/camel respectively. Milk production per household per day improved to 1.4Litres but still fell outside the normal range strap. Livestock mortalities were reported in few pockets in Saku and Moyale sub-counties as a result of drought and some cases were reported in Laisamis due to heart disease in Cattle. No reported cases of livestock disease outbreak were witnessed across the County. Planting of crops was witnessed across the County.

  • Access indicators: Household and livestock trekking distances to water points declined across the livelihood zones. Terms of trade was unfavourable across the livelihood zones. Milk consumption slightly improved across the livelihood zones but was still below normal.
    Market prices for cereals are still high.

  • Utilization indicators: Children rated ‘at risk’ of malnutrition declined coupled with reduced caseloads. Food consumption score and Coping Strategy Index gradually improved and declined across the County.