Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
Rainfall: In the month under review, onset of the long rains was timely and the distribution was fair both temporally (3-7 rainy days) and spatially across the County. The rainfall amounts received were above normal.
Vegetation condition: 3-months Vegetation Condition Index remained stable at 89.8 across the County and fell in the above normal vegetation greenness strap.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Production indicators: Livestock body condition was good for all the livestock species across the livelihood zones. In the agro-pastoral areas of Moyale and Saku sub-counties, farmers are cultivating land and some have commenced planting. Milk production was 1.8Litres/household/day, which was above across the livelihood zones. Livestock grazed within their normal traditional grazing areas. There were few incidences of livestock diseases reported across the County.
Access indicators: Household and livestock trekking distances were at an all-time low attributed to recharge capacity at 80percent of open water sources. Milk consumption was 1.7Litres/household/day which was normal when compared to similar periods. Terms of trade was above normal attributed to above normal goat prices and stable maize prices.
Livestock market were operational and traded volumes improved.
Utilization indicators: Nutritional status of children below the age of five years was stable and within the normal ranges. Food consumption score fell within acceptable band while majority of households applied reduced consumption based coping strategies across the livelihood zones.