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Marsabit County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for March 2015


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification Biophysical Indicators

  • 69 mm of rainfall was received during the month which is within normal ranges.

  • The Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) was 10.2 which places the county at ‘severe drought’. North horr and Moyale sub counties are at ‘extreme drought

  • Water sources were the permanent sources. Few pans and dams recharged slightly around Mt Marsabit.

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

  • Livestock in the Pastoral Lz have poor body condition while in Agro- pastoral Lz livestock have fair body condition.
    Deaths among sheep and goat mainly reported in parts of North horr sub county

  • Migration patterns were not normal during the month.

  • Milk production has significantly decreased in March and was below normal. Consequently the consumption has gone down.

  • Terms of Trade (TOT) is at 51.1 down from 51.9 last month.
    This is below the normal range.

  • Household water consumption has greatly decreased.

  • Coping strategies index remains high but within the normal ranges.

  • Under-fives at risk of Malnutrition was 24.1% which lies within the normal range.