Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification Biophysical Indicators
69 mm of rainfall was received during the month which is within normal ranges.
The Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) was 10.2 which places the county at ‘severe drought’. North horr and Moyale sub counties are at ‘extreme drought
Water sources were the permanent sources. Few pans and dams recharged slightly around Mt Marsabit.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Livestock in the Pastoral Lz have poor body condition while in Agro- pastoral Lz livestock have fair body condition.
Deaths among sheep and goat mainly reported in parts of North horr sub county -
Migration patterns were not normal during the month.
Milk production has significantly decreased in March and was below normal. Consequently the consumption has gone down.
Terms of Trade (TOT) is at 51.1 down from 51.9 last month.
This is below the normal range. -
Household water consumption has greatly decreased.
Coping strategies index remains high but within the normal ranges.
Under-fives at risk of Malnutrition was 24.1% which lies within the normal range.