Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
No rainfall was received during the month of January
The 3-monthly Vegetation Condition index for the County was 29.04 indicating moderate drought except Banissa Sub County that was within the normal range with a VCI of 36.27.
Over 30% of the surface water sources had dried up and congestion had been witnessed around strategic boreholes. The County Government was trucking water to over 60 centres Countywide under water stress.
All the biophysical indicators were outside the expected normal range.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Three of the production indicators were outside the normal ranges. The access indicators were also fluctuating outside the normal ranges.
Livestock migration patterns remained normal with livestock from south moving to west, Ethiopia and Wajir border in search of pasture.
Pasture and browse was depleted in Mandera South and North. However, there were pockets of the same in interior parts (Banissa) though dried up. The body condition of animals was fair except cattle whose condition was poor. The prices of livestock had decreased due to the deteriorating body condition.
The utilization indicators remained within normal ranges. However, cases of malnutrition were noted to be on the increase.