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Makueni County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for October 2024


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

Biophysical Indicators

▪ The month of October was dry and this is normal.

▪ The county registered normal vegetation greenness in all the six sub counties with a declining trend.

Socio-Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

Production Indicators

▪ Land preparation was underway across the livelihood zones.

▪ Livestock body condition was good to fair and no unusual livestock migration or deaths were reported.

▪ Milk production per household per day was within normal range at an average of 1.8 litres.

Access Indicators

▪ Terms of trade were favourable at 138 kilograms.

▪ Milk consumption was within normal at 1.3 litres.

▪ Return distances to water sources were within normal range at 5-6 kilometres.

Utilization Indicators

▪ Percentage of children at risk of malnutrition were within normal range at 8.6 percent.

▪ Households with acceptable food consumption score declined to 71.4 percent.

▪ Proportion of households employing severe foodbased coping strategies stood at seven percent.