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Makueni County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for November 2019



Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

Biophysical Indicators

• Onset of 2019 OND short rains was early, first dekad of October as opposed to third dekad of October on a normal seasonal.

• Above normal rains were experienced during the month under review.

• The vegetation greenness for the county was normal across all the three livelihood zones.

• Pasture and browse condition was good across all the three livelihood zones attributed to the ongoing rains.

Socio-Economic Indicators

• Over 80 percent of cropland in the mixed farming livelihood had been planted. Maize was about two feet tall and almost at the tasselling stage while cowpeas and beans were at the flowering stage.

• Body condition for the cattle in the Mixed Farming livelihood zone ranged from fair to good while in the MMF zone it was fair.
An improving trend was notable in all zones, attributed to the availability of pasture and water for the livestock.

• No unusual cases of livestock diseases though vaccination against rabies was taking place countywide.

• Milk production was within the normal range.

Access Indicators

• Milk consumption was within the normal range.

• Surface water sources in both Mixed Farming and marginal mixed farming livelihood zones had impounded water at 85 percent and above.

• Terms of trade were below long term average as a result of high maize prices

Utilization Indicators

• The percentage of children at risk of malnutrition decreased slightly though within the normal range.