Biophysical Indicators
- Onset was on the third dekad of October to 1st dekad of November with an exception of Makindu which had a delayed onset.
- Fair Spatial and Uneven distribution of rainfall was realized across all the three livelihood zones.
- The average 3 month VCI was 30.28 implying moderate vegetation deficit for the County.
- Pasture regeneration was evident but slow in Kibwezi west.
- State of water Sources was fair to good with an improving trend.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
- Main agricultural activity was planting in Marginal mixed farming zone while in mixed farming it was weeding and Top dressing.
- Livestock body condition ranged from fair to poor (score of 3-4) but with an improving trend.
- No alarming cases of Human and livestock death and diseases.
- Terms of trade was unfavorable at 75.6.
- The percentage of children at risk of malnutrition was 7.4 which was within the normal range.
- The County CSI was 12.05(high) attributed to the impact of drought during the month.
- Distances to Grazing areas and water sources had improved greatly.